Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Crazy Inventions Prove Useful

As we all know, Benjamin Franklin had a tremendous impact on the way American lives are lived, but his inventions really solidified his legacy as a worldwide leader and innovator. Benjamin Franklin did not invent the library, but helped America get their first one. Benjamin once flew a kite in an electric thunderstorm and made various important findings about electricity. He developed the first lightning rod which helps protect buildings and ships from damage caused by lightning.

They say that neccessity is the mother of all inventions, so his poor eyesight aided him in inventing the first set of bifocals. He basically took two pairs of glasses and put them together so he could see near and far. The is widely considered "The Father of the Bifocals". We also owe him some respect for the odemeter, which is a way to measure distance. When he was delivering mail, Ben wanted to keep track of the distance, so he found a way to make that work out for him. I believe that it was his curiousty and his high intelligence that enabled him to create.

The man we know as Benjamin Franklin was a man of many dimensions and depth. High intelligence and natural curiosuty makes him a worldwide icon in the sense that he was not bound to the limits of his surroundings, but bound by the limitless power of the mind. A latter aged Renaissance Man. Thank you for listening.


Picture citation: http://sln.fi.edu/franklin/inventor/inline/inventor.gif

Works Cited: http://sln.fi.edu/franklin/inventor/inventor.html